“The Bachelor” Season 26 Episode 9 Recap: The Women Tell All

Credit: ABC/Craig Sjodin

Clayton Takes The Hot Seat

The women let Clayton have it as he took the infamous hot seat. To start off, Clayton talked about his journey to find love and how hard it has been to watch the show back. Clayton said, “It’s one thing to go through it and feel that you gave it your best. It’s another thing to go back and analyze it all and realize that I was far from perfect and made a lot of mistakes.”

Clayton didn’t have much time to process his statement as Sierra quickly stepped in. She asked Clayton why he kept Shanae despite so many women coming to warn him. Clayton responded by saying, “I was wanting tangible evidence.”

His response did not go well with the women, as Sierra once again said, “What could be more tangible than the entire house?”

Clayton shared how he and Shanae had a connection and it was only after she threw the trophy that he couldn’t defend her anymore. But, once again, the ladies questioned him because even after that entire incident, he kept her. Clayton ended the conversation by addressing Shanae and saying, “to see you playing this game, you manipulated the women and you manipulated me. I trusted you, I believed you, and it was the worst thing I could have done.”

The conversation quickly moved onto Sarah where Bachelor Nation finally got the answer as to whether Clayton cried on their date. Clayton told the girls he is an emotional guy and he will be the first to admit it, but he never cried on the date. Sarah tried to backtrack and say, “I never said he cried with me.” The topic was put to rest when majority of the women believed Clayton.

Clayton took the rest of his time to apologize to Serene, who went home just last week. Hoping that she doesn’t put her walls back up and is open to finding love, Serene shared that she knows she has to be vulnerable in relationships in order to find love. And that is exactly what she plans on doing.

The night ended with laughter as the women and Clayton took a look back at some of the bloopers from the season. Check them out below!


  • Kaitlyn Carrera

    Kaitlyn is currently an Intern at CelebSecrets. She is in pursuit of a journalism certificate at UCLA's Extension program. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration-Marketing from California State University, Long Beach. Kaitlyn loves entertainment news and would love to be a reporter on red-carpets or even a radio show host. When Kaitlyn isn't reporting on the latest breaking entertainment news she enjoys going to concerts, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family.

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Kaitlyn is currently an Intern at CelebSecrets. She is in pursuit of a journalism certificate at UCLA's Extension program. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration-Marketing from California State University, Long Beach.…

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