Singer and award-nominated young actor Jet Jurgensmeyer back with a new release titled “Compassion” and Celeb Secrets is giving you the scoop on what you need to know about it straight from Jet himself.
Written by Jurgensmeyer along with Sky Corbin and Stefanie Joyce, “Compassion” a beautiful song with an important message of treating others with kindness and respect. Jurgensmeyer’s uplifting vocals over a sentimental piano music will make the fans be hooked after one listen — we certainly were!
“I’m really proud of this song,” shares Jurgensmeyer in a statement. “I think the message that it has is really needed in the world right now.”
After releasing his self-titled debut in 2019, featuring fan favorites “A Lot More Love,” “Parachute” and “Real World,” the country star has been working hard on making more music. He also released the single “Fast Forward” earlier this year.
Besides singing, Jurgensmeyer worked in various television and film projects, including a series regular role of “Boyd” on FOX’s hit comedy, Last Man Standing. He is also voicing one of the characters in Disney animated series, TOTS in the lead role of Pip the penguin.
We sat down with Jet (virtually) to talk all about “Compassion” and creative process behind the song, what fans can expect next, and when can you see the music video. Check out the full Q&A below and don’t forget to let us know what you think of “Compassion” by leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post or by sending us a tweet at @celebsecrets.
Celeb Secrets: Jet, you just released your new single “Compassion” on August 27, just a few days ago! How are you feeling about it?
Jet Jurgensmeyer: “I am very excited about this song, and for everyone to be able to hear it. The message that ‘Compassion’ relays, I think, is what the world needs right now.”
CS: It is a truly beautiful song with an important message to treat everyone equally and have empathy for each other. What inspired you to write this song?
JJ: “When me and the two other writers (Sky Corbin and Stefanie Joyce) sat down to write, we just started talking about the stage the world is in. The word ‘Compassion’ was brought up and we ran with it and now we have a song!”
CS: Would you say that this song is based on your personal story/experience?
JJ: “I suppose I could due to the fact I’ve grown up in a rather divided world, and I think everyone is able to relate to this song and it’s message. That’s one thing I love about the song and all of the songs on this upcoming album, that they are relatable.”
CS: How do you hope fans will react when they hear “Compassion” for the first time?
JJ: “I hope that they can hear it and it opens their eyes to seeing the world a little bit differently and seeing how they should start treating others.”
CS: What is your creative process like when writing this and other singles?
JJ: “It really depends on the day, the song, and who I’m writing with. Sometimes we start with a melody and just start mumbling random things and finally someone will have an idea for the first few words. Other times we have some words and no idea what melody to use. I write with some people who are big on just playing guitar and kind of just spitting out ideas, and then there are some others who like to sing when we get together and throw their words onto the page and branch off of that. I think I’m a little bit of both (laughs).”
CS: How has your music making process changed over the past year with COVID-19?
JJ: “It really didn’t change a whole lot. I’ve been doing writes over FaceTime since I started writing. It wasn’t that new to me, especially since I was able to write with some people in person in Nashville. I think it has opened people’s minds to writing virtually and will help with being able to write with people all over the world.”
CS: Sonically, how does “Compassion” differ from your previous releases?
JJ: “I think this is a song that will make people look at themselves and think about how they act and treat others. My other songs tend to be relatable to make people think about life in general.”
CS: Can fans anticipate a music video for “Compassion?”
JJ: “YES! The video is finally finished and I can’t wait for everyone to be able to see the words from the song come to life in this video. It was a lot of fun to film and I can’t thank all of my friends enough that helped with the video.”
CS: Any big upcoming projects that you are working on currently? We are so excited to hear more music!
JJ: “Well, more music is coming. We have some songs that are ready to be released and will be released before the album (which will be out a little later this year). I have a couple acting projects in the works which I’m very excited about. I’m so proud of this album, because everyone can see who I am as a writer and artist.”
CS: Lastly, since we are Celeb Secrets, can you share some behind-the-scenes secrets from making the song that we wouldn’t know when listening to it?
JJ: “Well, writing this song took a little bit of sneakery! We were writing in a lounge that was part of the building Sky used to live in… he had moved out by the time we were writing this song. Basically we were kicked out of the initial place we had decided to write,”Since we didn’t live there” and on the way out we saw a little tiny lounge/party room that no one was in, so we snuck inside there very quietly and kept writing. What we didn’t know was that the lights were motion sensing…. and since we were trying to be quiet and stay in the back of the room….. the lights shut off. So we basically had to write in the dark minus a little light coming from a few windows on the other side of the room. It was quite the experience and I don’t think I will EVER be able to top that (laughs).”
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