Movie Review: “Monsters University” Hits Theaters TODAY! (@MonstersU)

MONSTERS UNIVERSITYMonsters University comes out in U.S. Theaters today, June 21st and CelebSecrets4U was there front row to see a private screening before the official release date.

This film features Mike Wazowski, a monster that had always dreamt to attend Monsters University to study scaring and James Sullivan (Sulley) an athlete whose skills come really natural to him.

This film features a strong theme like no other which was, what happens when a dream you have always wanted and worked hard towards is crushed? In most films, there is always a happy ending. Some sort of motto such as you can do anything as long as you believe in yourself and work hard. In reality, there are a lot of cases in which for some reason things do not work out. That does not mean that you weren’t working hard towards your goal but maybe you encountered something along the way that made you change directions. There are always different ways to reach a goal. For every problem there is a solution. Sure, things didn’t work out. Don’t dwell on it too much and look for a different route that will take you to the same initial goal you wanted.

In Monsters University, Mike and Sulley work together to overcome obstacles, work together and not listen to the judgment of others in order to reach their new goal together.

How will working together turn out?  Be sure to go to then nearest theater near you and watch the movie to see what happens!


  • Juliet Schroder

    Juliet is the founder and executive producer/host of Celeb Secrets and Celeb Secrets Country. When not reporting on the latest news in pop culture and country music, she enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, watching sports and exploring the latest fashion trends. Juliet holds a B.S. in marketing from St. John's University.

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Juliet is the founder and executive producer/host of Celeb Secrets and Celeb Secrets Country. When not reporting on the latest news in pop culture and country music, she enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, watching sports and…

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