Connor B.
Nashville, Tennessee
Math Teacher, 29
Connor B. is a lovable, quirky and charming eighth grade math teacher. With a master’s degree in medical physics and a resume that includes nuclear engineer as a job title, Connor B. definitely owns his nerdy side, but he is not afraid to poke fun at himself. Connor B. is looking for a woman who will share his enthusiasm and zest for living every day to its fullest. He describes his ideal partner as genuine, kind, socially accepting and open-minded. He wants someone who will build him up and will love his family as much as he does. She should also enjoy a good multi-location date with a theme because when Connor B. wants to impress his date with a good time, he likes to go all out! Connor B. says his one major dealbreaker is a woman who doesn’t respect waiters because there is no place for any bullying in his life. Sounds like he and Katie already have something major in common.