At just 13 years old, Ashley Gerasimovich is one of the stars on the hit TBS family series The Detour. She plays Delilah, the oldest child of Nate and Robin Parker, and twin sister to Jared Parker.
The second season of The Detour is underway, so Ashley will no doubt be keeping herself busy! Celeb Secrets spoke with Ashley to talk about the upcoming season and what has been her favorite part about working with the cast.
Be sure to keep up with Ashley on Instagram at @ashleygerasimovich, where she shares behind-the-scenes moments from The Detour set! The Detour airs on Tuesdays @ 10PM ET on TBS.

Celeb Secrets:Â Congratulations on The Detour getting picked up for Season 2! What kind of things can we expect from your character, Delilah?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “Delilah is now a teenager, she’s just moved to NYC so she’s adjusting to living in the big city. She’s seeing how she fits in, she’s making new friends, so you’ll see different sides to her personality in season 2.”
Celeb Secrets:Â The Parkers are moving to New York City this season. Do you think this is a good move for the family?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “I think it’s going to be. It’s an adventure for the Parkers to move to NYC. Nate’s got a new job and Robin’s past – it should be very interesting. It’s gonna be fun. Delilah is super excited and so is Jared, it’ll be interesting for them – they’ve never been in a big city before.”
Celeb Secrets:Â Delilah and her brother Jared are going to be facing their adolescent years this season – is there a possibility of Delilah getting a new crush in the new city?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “Delilah is getting comfortable in her own skin, trying to figure out where she fits in the big city, so you know – anything is possible. We meet the love connection for Jared, but for Delilah we’ll just have to wait and see.”
Celeb Secrets:Â What has been your favorite part about working with this cast?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “There’s so many fun moments with the cast! They’re the best. They’re just the best, I love them all. There’s so many inside jokes and some fun teasing. I created lasting memories for the rest of my life. Liam (Liam Carroll plays Delilah’s twin brother Jared) and I once had a wasabi challenge.” (laughs)
Celeb Secrets:Â Do you have a favorite moment or experience while working on set?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “One scene that was really fun was when I got to sing “Fun Being Weird” while dressed up as a ninja starfish – trust me, it’s hilarious.” (laughs)
Celeb Secrets:Â Tell us about your new film, A Different Sun – what can we expect to see from you?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “I love that movie. It’s about a Chinese family that moves to Germany and tries to adjust, just like the Parkers. I play this girl who becomes friends with the Chinese family and their daughter. My character’s name is Nina and I even get to do a German accent.”
Celeb Secrets: That’s so cool! Was that hard for you?
Ashley Gerasimovich:Â “You know, it’s easy for me while I’m doing the job, but if someone asks me to bring it up on the spot I’m like, ‘Umm'”(laughs)
Celeb Secrets: Since we are Celeb Secrets – can you share a secret of fun fact about yourself with us no one knows?
Ashley Gerasimovich: “I own three ‘random facts’ books. I love random facts, I’m obsessed with them. Like kangaroos – did you know they can’t hop backwards? They can hop forward all they want, but they can’t hop backwards!”