Alec finds himself torn between duty and loyalty to Jace in “Moo Shu to Go,” an all-new episode of Shadowhunters, airing Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 9pm on Freeform.
When Jace and Isabelle are sent on an intel mission to the Seelies by Maryse Lightwood, Alec is put in charge of keeping Clary safe and tensions start to rise between the two as they don’t see eye to eye on the best way to hunt down Valentine. Plus with his hard-as-nails mother back in town and Clary’s rule-breaking tendencies, Alec finds himself struggling to stick to the Claves rules while keeping his promise to Jace.
Meanwhile, the New York City Werewolf pack begins their hunt for Clary and The Mortal Cup.
Check out some clips and stills from tonight’s episode below.
Photos: Freeform/Sven Frenzel