
Dallas String Quartet Talks Covering “Hallelujah,” Holiday Traditions and Plans for 2022 (Exclusive)

The Dallas String Quartet is back with a new release that’s bound to get you into the holiday spirit!

Well-known for covering some of the biggest songs in music, Ion Zanca (composer), Melissa Priller (violinist), Young Heo (bass), and Eleanor Dunbar (violinist) are giving it their all on their take of the Christmas classic “Hallelujah.”

When speaking with Celeb Secrets about “Hallelujah,” the quartet shared that while bringing creativity to reimagined versions of songs is their specialty, there were still challenges when putting together the final product.

“The tendency is to over produce it and just add more and more layers of complexity. In the end we chose to start with the simple melody by having the viola solo start and build from there. I would say the way the song grows and develops is like a journey,” said the group.

We sat down with the Dallas String Quartet (virtually) to talk all about “Hallelujah,” and the creative process behind their version, their holiday plans, and what’s to come in the future for the group.

Check out the full Q&A below and don’t forget to let us know what you think of “Hallelujah,” by leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post or by sending us a tweet at @celebsecrets.

You can also connect with the Dallas String Quartet by giving them a follow on Instagram at @dallasstringquartet.

Celeb Secrets: Congratulations on the release of your rendition of “Hallelujah!” Talk to us about the decision to cover this song. 

Dallas String Quartet (DSQ): “Such an iconic song, it has been on our list for a long time. The decision to record it and release now felt right because the song has such a holiday feel to it even though it is not actually a holiday song.”

CS: Can you take us through the creative process behind putting together this rendition? 

DSQ: “We wanted to keep it simple. The melody is so powerful and easy to recognize that we felt a compilation between piano and strings would be a simple, but effective, way to bring out the beauty of this classic song.”

CS: Were there any challenges taking on an admired song like this? How did you put your own twist on it while still staying true to the original? 

DSQ: “The tendency is to over produce it and just add more and more layers of complexity. In the end we chose to start with the simple melody by having the viola solo start and build from there. I would say the way the song grows and develops is like a journey. The best way I can describe it, if I can make a movie reference, is the scene in Harry Potter when Harry flies on the back of Buckbeak. It soars at times and it relaxes and slows down at other times.”

CS: What do you hope that fans and listeners will take from your rendition of this song? 

DSQ: “My hope is that whoever listens to our version feels more relaxed and grateful for the beauty in this world.”

Dallas String Quartet

CS: Do you have any holiday traditions that you do either together as a group or with your respective families? 

DSQ: “We have an annual DSQ Christmas dinner with everyone in the band! We share our best moments and worst moments of the year. It’s exciting to see everyone come together, bring their significant others, exchange stories and grill/bring food from their specific country. This is a very international group. We may be ‘Dallas’ String Quartet, but none of us are actually from Dallas! So we usually have food from places like South Korea, Mexico and Romania all combined. It makes for a fun meal together!” 

CS: What does the holiday season mean to you? 

DSQ: “It’s a time of reflection and appreciation and at the same time, a very intense work month for us. However, it’s important to take time off as there is no better feeling than being with your family on Christmas Day.”

CS: Do you have any upcoming projects that you could hint at or tell us about in 2022? 

DSQ: “We are working on a project for modern wedding music. For most people, the first time they ever search for a string quartet is when they are getting married! So we want to produce a beautiful album with the best modern day wedding songs. We have done quite a few celebrity weddings and we feel like we have a good understanding of what will get our fans excited!”

CS: If you could describe your upcoming music in three words, what would they be and why? 

DSQ: “This season, we would say simplicity, beauty and emotiveness.”

CS: Lastly, since we are Celeb Secrets, what is a secret about making your music (or the video) that people wouldn’t know just by listening to it? 

DSQ: “Great question! The morning of the shoot, the piano in our ‘Hallelujah’ music video was blue. However, our themed colors were white and silver. We painted the piano and the bench white right before shooting the music video! The pianist was terrified that her dress was going to be stained so we had to use towels to make sure that wouldn’t happen. Also some of the black keys still have white paint on them. :)”

For more holiday content, click here


  • Gracie Lowes

    Gracie is a former intern at Celeb Secrets who attends St Clair College. When she’s not reporting on the latest news, she enjoys watching tv shows and movies, reading, going to concerts and traveling.

    View all posts
Gracie is a former intern at Celeb Secrets who attends St Clair College. When she’s not reporting on the latest news, she enjoys watching tv shows and movies, reading, going to concerts and traveling.

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