From a quirky animated series to a heart-wrenching film, Jacob Hopkins can truly do it all. Hopkins, who is well-known for voicing the main character of Gumball Watterson on Cartoon Network’s The Amazing World of Gumball, is now expanding his talents from behind a microphone to in front of the camera. The 14-year-old actor will be playing Miller in CBS Films’ “Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life” (October 7th) as well the lead role in the short, “The Boy Who Cried Fish!“.
Check out our exclusive Q&A with Jacob Hopkins!
Hopkins’ moving performance in “The Boy Who Cried Fish!” paired with the gripping story line have many, including myself, dying to see the feature at the Beverly Hills Film Festival. The 22-minute motion picture follows the journey of a single mother (Brenda Wool) and her young, autistic boy named Adam (Hopkins). After Adam accidentally witnesses a tragic incident on TV, he encounters a similar situation that ultimately changes his life. As for Miranda, she must find a way to cope with what’s going on and raise Adam on her own.
This outstanding short will screen as part of the Beverly Hills Film Festival on Saturday, April 9th at 7:30 pm. For more information, please visit their official Facebook page.