Secrets, lies, and drama unfold in TeenNick’s brand-new live-action mystery series, Open Heart, and CS4U has the scoop on why you should tune in straight from the cast!
Open Heart follows 16-year-old Dylan Blake (Karis Cameron), the rebellious daughter of a fractured family of doctors, as she uses her stint as a youth hospital volunteer to secretly investigate the disappearance of her father with the help from new friends Mikayala Walker (Cristine Prosperi) and Wes Silver (Justin Kelley).
In tonight’s episode titled “Private Eyes,” Dylan and Wes investigate a note hidden in Richard’s watch. Meanwhile, London tries treating a patient and Dr. K plays favorites.
CS4U caught up with the cast of Open Heart early last month at the Nickelodeon Headquarters in New York City. In our interview, Karis Cameron, Cristine Prosperi, and Justin Kelly talk about what readers can expect from this season of Open Heart, their characters, and why they think fans should tune in every week. They even spilled that they are hard core fans of Open Heart — so hard core that they write their own fan fictions about each other!
“Private Eyes” airs tonight, February 3rd @ 9PM ET/PT on TeenNick. You can catch brand new episodes of Open Heart every Tuesday at 9PM.
Open Heart Cast Interview
Photos: Juliet Schroder/CelebSecrets4U