Laura Marano and Karan Brar walked the red carpet at The Celebrity Experience on Sunday afternoon (July 12) at The Hilton Los Angeles/Universal in Universal City, Calif.
The Disney Channel stars were joined by Get the Look‘s (Disney Channel UK) Electra Formosa and The Celebrity Experience creator/producer George Caceres for a special Q&A panel to answer aspiring actors and actresses’ questions about the entertainment industry.
The Celebrity Experience is an exclusive interactive event that occurs over five days in the Capital of the entertainment Industry located in the heart of Hollywood. Professionals provide tools for success and opportunities for young performers to work in-person with celebrities and experience what it means to work in the entertainment industry first hand. The Celebrity Experience unites performers with Hollywood heavy hitters including casting directors, talent managers and international TV & Film stars.
CelebSecrets4U was on the red carpet to chat with Laura Marano and Karan Brar about The Celebrity Experience and more! Make sure to check out our videos below.