“The Bachelorette” Season 17 Episode 7 Recap: Katie Thurston Narrows Down Her Choices

The Group Date

Three-time returnee and season 17 crasher Blake Moyne’s reads the date card, which says that Brendan will once again not receive a one-on-one date. So, being the man that he is, Brendan decided to surprise Katie at her room to confront the situation head on. 

Katie sends home Brendan without even letting him finish his doorstep speech. The group date will now include Michael ABlakeAndrew, and Justin. Our Bachelorette once again proves her sexual positivity by having her contestants create art pieces that symbolize their intimate feelings toward her.

Upon presenting their art, the men seem to have put in a lot of hard work and dedication. We can only imagine what Blake might have created for Katie – considering ABC blocked the entire picture out, but he definitely wasn’t playing it safe.

“If there’s one thing that Blake will do, it’s double down. That boy is wild. That boy is a fool,” Says fellow contestant Justin to the cameras. 

As the date rolls on to the after-party, it’s clear that anyone who receives a rose will be continuing to hometowns. Katie spends time with each of the men on the group date, discussing their futures and possibilities. It seems that her connection with all of them is getting stronger and stronger.

Michael A seems to have a special place in Katie’s heart. She talks about being a motherly figure to his son James and how special they both are to her already. “Every time I give you a rose, I’m also giving it to James,” says Thurston during a private conversation during the cocktail hour.  

Well, it looks like Michael and his son will be going home with a rose again this episode. See you in hometowns, James!



  • Dani Adams

    Dani is a media intern at Celeb Secrets. She is currently working on her Journalism degree at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. When not reporting on the latest entertainment news, she enjoys playing with her doodle pup, working out with friends and attending concerts and music festivals.

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Dani is a media intern at Celeb Secrets. She is currently working on her Journalism degree at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. When not reporting on the latest entertainment news, she enjoys playing with her doodle pup, working out with friends and…

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