On January 20, The Wonder Girls premiered their TV movie at the CGV Cinemas in Los Angeles!
“The Wonder Girls” chronicles the adventures of the K-pop act as they prepare for their U.S. debut. They stumble upon a talent competition at the legendary Apollo Theatre where they meet their new rivals the School Gyrls. As the plot unfolds fans will see exciting performances from both acts, girl group drama and even a little romance.
Along with The Wonder Girls and School Gyrls, this highly-anticipated special will feature cameos by the Executive Producer of the special; J. Y. Parks and TeenNick Chairman Nick Cannon. The music video for “The DJ is Mine” was filmed with Samsung’s 3D technology and will be embedded into new Samsung products and will feature Wonder Girls performances and scenes from the movie.
We caught up with Nick Cannon, The School Gyrls, Vanessa Suarez and The Wonder Girls THEMSELVES to chat all about the excitement that is building for February 2nd, their roles, and even some juicy secrets no one else knows!