CelebSecrets4U goes backstage for the second week of live shows for So You Think You Can Dance!
The Top 20 — Kate Harpootlian, Edson Juarez, Marissa Milele, Moises Parra, Gaby Diaz, Hailee Payne, Derek Piquette, Jim Nowakowski, Alexia Meyer, Yorelis Apolinario, Jessica Rabone, Virgil Gadson, Ariana Crowder, Burim “B1” Jusufi, Jana “JaJa” Vankova, Megan “Megz” Alfonso, Eddie “Neptune” Eskridge, Lily Frias, Darion Flores and Asaf Goren — took the stage for the second week in a row in front of a live studio audience to perform for America’s votes. To watch the performances, click here.
Ariana Crowder, Derek Piquette, Eddie “Neptune” Eskridge, Moises Parra, Darion Flores and Lily Frias were the three stage and three street dancers who received the fewest votes. For the first time ever, two dancers – one stage (Parra) and one street (Eskridge) – were saved by the Fan Twitter Save during the show. Judges Nigel Lythgoe, Paula Abdul and Jason Derulo determined that Crowder and Piquette would be saved as well, leaving Darion Flores and Lily Frias to be eliminated.
Check out our interviews with judges Nigel Lythgoe, Paula Abdul and Jason Derulo from last night’s episode of So You Think You Can Dance below. Make sure to tune in tonight at 8pm on FOX to watch the 10 year anniversary special!