In the realm of comedy-horror, The Prank emerges as a darkly comedic gem that deftly balances humor with suspense, making it a standout addition to the genre. Directed by Maureen Bharoocha, who is known for her keen eye for blending genres, The Prank takes viewers on a thrilling ride that’s as unpredictable as it is entertaining.
The film stars Rita Moreno, Connor Kalopsis, and Ramona Young in a narrative that ingeniously explores the consequences of a seemingly harmless lie spiraling out of control. The premise is simple yet compelling: two high school students named Ben (Kalopsis) and Taylor (Young), desperate to avoid failing their physics class, concoct a plan to falsely accuse their strict teacher, Mrs. Wheeler (Moreno), of murder. What follows is a series of unexpected twists and turns that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
When asking about any real-life pranks they may have been a part of or had played on them, Connor tells Celeb Secrets, “I don’t think I’ve ever been a part of like a formal prank. I did a lot of misbehaving against my teachers in high school, but I think that’s like the furthest extent.”
Ramona chimes in telling CS, “I don’t have anything crazy, but one time my roommate hacked into my laptop and totally spammed it with the most inappropriate content, and every time I turned on my laptop I was just like, why is it popping up like a hardcore virus? It was hilarious.”
Moreno delivers a performance that is both nuanced and powerful, reminding viewers of her unparalleled talent and versatility. The 92-year-old actress navigates the complex emotions of her character with ease, portraying a woman who is at once formidable and vulnerable. Kalopsis and Young also bring a dynamic energy to the film, perfectly capturing the desperation and moral ambiguity of their characters. Their on-screen chemistry is palpable, driving the narrative forward with a compelling blend of humor and tension.
Bharoocha shines in her directorial role, crafting a film that is visually striking and emotionally resonant. Her direction ensures that The Prank is not just a series of gags or horror clichés but a thoughtful examination of the consequences of our actions. Bharoocha’s ability to balance the film’s comedic elements with its more suspenseful moments is a testament to her skill and vision as a filmmaker.
At its core, The Prank is more than just a comedy-horror film. It’s a clever commentary on the pressures of academic achievement, the lengths to which we’ll go to avoid failure, and the unforeseen consequences of our actions. The film invites viewers to reflect on these themes, all while delivering a thoroughly entertaining cinematic experience.
“I’m chronically online so [social media] affects my life a lot. I mean, I’m only 20. So I grew up in the age of social media and cell phones…You can really ruin someone’s complete representation with one line right on social media. So that’s pretty intense,” remarks Connor.
For fans of the genre, The Prank offers a fresh and innovative take on the comedy-horror hybrid, with stellar performances, sharp writing, and expert direction. It’s a film that manages to be both fun and thought-provoking, making it a perfect choice for those looking for something beyond the usual horror fare. Whether you’re in it for the laughs, the scares, or the social commentary, “The Prank” is sure to deliver.
“There’s a lot of plot twists in this movie, and it’s funny, smart, and dark. There’s some really great performances, and I have to say this movie is like a long island iced tea. There’s a lot in it,” says Kate Flannery to CS. Her advice to viewers is, “Be careful before you hit send!”
“The Prank” is a standout film that proves comedy and horror can coexist seamlessly, creating an unforgettable movie-going experience. With its intriguing premise, dynamic cast, and skillful direction, it’s a film that deserves a spot on your must-watch list. Celeb Secrets gives The Prank a glowing recommendation for anyone ready to dive into a cinematic experience that’s as intelligent as it is entertaining.
For more on The Prank, watch our interviews with cast members Connor Kalopsis, Ramona Young, and Kate Flannery below and don’t forget to let us know what you think of the flick by either leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post or by sliding into our DMs on Instagram at @celebsecrets.
The Prank is now playing in theaters nationwide.