‘The Bachelor’ Season 26 Episode 8 Recap: Clayton Takes on Hometowns

Credit: bachelorabc via instagram

Susie’s Tough Hometown

Susie was the first woman to have Clayton meet their family. Clayton first went on a date with Susie that she planned before meeting her loved ones. Growing up in Virginia, the 28-year-old wedding photographer has always had a passion for jiu-jitsu, so ultimately, she went with Clayton to not only teach him the art, but show off some of her best moves.

Susie takes Clayton to a gym to learn some jiu-jitsu moves, one of which was “shrimping”, which only reminded the couple of former villain of the season, Shanae. The couple took the mat in a couple of matches, and Susie dominated Clayton despite her being much smaller.

Susie also talked about how meeting her dad is a big deal to her. Her dad has been really sick and the 28-year-old has had a fear that he won’t be able to meet the man she marries. Clayton comforted Susie and explained how excited he was to meet her parents.

Clayton ended up meeting Susie’s dad, mom, sister, and best friend. The meeting went well, especially when Susie’s dad mentioned to Clayton, “When you guys walked through the door there was definitely something there with you guys.”

The only hiccup came when Clayton spoke to Susie’s mom, where she asked if he loved Susie. Clayton gracefully answered the question saying he hasn’t told anyone that he’s loved them but that he can definitely “see himself getting there” with Susie.


  • Kaitlyn Carrera

    Kaitlyn is currently an Intern at CelebSecrets. She is in pursuit of a journalism certificate at UCLA's Extension program. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration-Marketing from California State University, Long Beach. Kaitlyn loves entertainment news and would love to be a reporter on red-carpets or even a radio show host. When Kaitlyn isn't reporting on the latest breaking entertainment news she enjoys going to concerts, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family.

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Kaitlyn is currently an Intern at CelebSecrets. She is in pursuit of a journalism certificate at UCLA's Extension program. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration-Marketing from California State University, Long Beach.…

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