Ashley Greene hosted a Muscle Milk sponsored re-launch event at Rise Nation on Tuesday (May 24) in West Hollywood.
The actress and fitness fanatic as joined by celebrity trainer Jason Walsh, who has trained Ashley for the past three years.
Jason navigated guests through a difficult yet effective 30-minute full body workout done exclusively on the VersaClimber athlete conditioning machine. The workout was followed by a cool down on Muscle Milk-branded yoga mats and Trigger Point foam rollers, also conducted by Jason on Rise Nation’s patio space overlooking the Hollywood Hills skyline.
Ashley, who visits the boutique fitness studio multiple times a week, looked great while sweating in trendy fitness wear brand ChillByWill’s swirl crop leggings with mesh details & matching bra!
You can purchase the items HERE:
Love Swirl Crops Link to purchase $88
Shine Bra Link to purchase: Link $50