The world-renowned pop star, Demi Lovato brought her big voice to NPR’s tiny desk on Wednesday, April 14. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the “Met Him Last Night” singer and songwriter performed her three-song set from her backyard.
“The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music’s Tiny Desk (home) concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It’s the same spirit – stripped-down sets, an intimate setting – just a different space” according to a statement on
Dressed to the nines – with her tats out and pixie haircut, the icon took to the microphone to showcase her powerhouse vocal cords and chart-topping tracks. Lovato performed a touching rendition of her 2017 single “Tell Me You Love Me,” and two cuts – “The Art Starting Over” and “Dancing With The Devil” from her new record, Dancing with the Devil…the Art of Starting Over.
“We made it our mission to get Demi to the Tiny Desk, and though the pandemic had other plans, Lovato’s Tiny Desk (home) concert was worth the wait,” says NPR.
The artist shared her grounding lyrics from her Los Angeles backyard, on a sunny spring day. “ I’m super excited to be filming this outside, because I’m really, really excited about the weather changing. Spring is my second favorite, and summer is my absolute favorite season, So I’m really happy to be out in the bright, sunny California sun,” says Lovato between songs.
The artist shared her phenomenal performance on Twitter, while also giving a shout out to her backyard squirrels… “#TinyDesk live from my backyard with my squirrels.” Although we can’t see her number one fans enjoying the dynamic performance, Demi made it clear that the little animals were present supporting her on her Tiny Desk Debut. “My squirrels are out here, you can’t see, but I have now taught them how to eat from my hand, and that’s a big accomplishment,” she says. “So, I just wanted to let you know that was on my mind.”
#TinyDesk live from my backyard with my squirrels 🐿🦋✨
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) April 14, 2021
Check out the full performance and let us know what you think of her three-piece set below or by tweeting us your thoughts at @celebsecrets. Until we hear from you, Celeb Secrets will be watching this concert on repeat!