Another Olympic farewell! The world bid adieu to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics after an abnormal year of competition at Olympic Stadium on Sunday (August 8th).
The closing ceremonies and celebrations looked a little different this time around, but we are still so proud of all the athletes and individuals who helped make the most of this year’s games. While the tradition of celebrating over 200 nations coming together stayed the same, noticeable differences at this year’s event included an empty stadium with very few athletes, as competitors were asked to leave Tokyo 48 hours upon completing their final contest. However, the moving speeches, light shows, parades, and stunts still dazzled the millions of viewers that watched from home.
This year’s closing ceremony rendered the theme “Worlds We Share,” en eerily relevant topic to address the events of the last year. Through COVID-19, the globe shared loss, grief, and goodbyes. However, the games offered a sliver of optimism, bringing countries and people together to celebrate a victory.

(Aug. 7, 2021 – Source: Leon Neal/Getty Images AsiaPac)
A big focus of this year’s games was mental health. Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka were two competitors in particular who broke barriers by confronting the importance of mental well being.
July 28th marked an important day in Olympic history, as Biles’ decision to withdraw from the individual all-around competition was something that no one expected. The statement from the US Olympic team expressed that “[they] wholeheartedly support Simone’s decision and applaud her bravery in prioritizing her wellbeing. Her courage shows, yet again, why she is a role model for so many.” These decisions created much needed conversation about stress, expectations, and prioritizing yourself.
We hope that change within the games continues and that athletes can put themselves first and positively prepare for Paris 2024. Before then, the Winter Olympics will begin in Beijing, where the government plans to execute the games with predetermined restrictions in place.
Audiences hope that this “new normal” is only temporary, and that we will soon enjoy these affairs as we once did.
Did you enjoy watching the Olympics this year? Let us know by reacting below or tweeting us @celebsecrets.
You can view all of our coverage from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics here.