
12 of the Most Memorable Moments from the 2021 Oscars

Regina King struts onto a new scene

For the third year in a row, the Oscars went hostless. While happily not an obvious choice, 2019’s Best Supporting Actress winner Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk) took command of the opening.

She grabbed an Oscar statue from outside and strutted into the show’s new venue at Union Station showing how expansive it is. From that moment, the audience at home could tell that the game had been stepped up. Filming was in higher definition and a new aspect ratio and opening credits, including a list of every presenter billed as “starring,” popped up, which made this feel more like a movie than ever before.

In a great recovery from almost falling, King started speaking about her experience as a mother to a black son amidst the police brutality of the year. She also spoke about making her directorial debut with the thrice-nominated One Night in Miami… and gave some ground rules for the mask situation.

It was a great way to kick off the show and let us know we were in for a thrilling ride.


  • Kevin Studer

    Kevin (he/him) is a two-time graduate of Lynn University and has a Creative Writing Master's from American College Dublin. When not writing about pop culture, he is constantly opening his worldview by consuming different types of media and traveling around the globe.

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Kevin (he/him) is a two-time graduate of Lynn University and has a Creative Writing Master's from American College Dublin. When not writing about pop culture, he is constantly opening his worldview by consuming different types of media and traveling…

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